Archive for the ‘Bacon’ Category


Philadelphia, PA: P.Y.T.'s "P.Y.T. Burger"

In Bacon,Big Burgers,Blogroll,Burger,Burgers & Booze,Cheeseburger,Fries,Hamburger,Marc Sanders,Martin's Potato Rolls,Meat On Meat,Philly Burgers on July 19, 2009 by Marc Sanders


The Piazza at Schmidt’s
1050 N Hancock St

Philadelphia, PA 19123
(215) 268-7825

A few people are talking about this place online…just a few – read here, here, herehere, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here (the rest of the world still has Crystal Pepsi?  Seriously?  Damn!), here, here, here, here and oh, here.   Holy word of mouth!  Well, if there is one thing legendary Philly party-promoter Tommy Up knows how to do it is get people talking and with his latest venture, the uber-hip restaurant/lounge P.Y.T., it is clear another thing Up can do really well is run a burger joint.

Self-described as a California style burger bar, P.Y.T. as a concept is well thought out and its location in the middle of Bart Blatstein’s Piazza At Schmidt’s is both ideal and logical.  Indoor seating in stylish booths and at the sleek bar will be more popular in colder months, but on a gorgeous day like we had (a rare example of the idea that it is “Always Sunny in Philadelphia”) the piazza-side tables with lime green umbrellas were the place to be.

I modified my P.Y.T. Burger (toppings are key here) and was able to snap a few pics before eagerly diving in to devour  the 1/3 lb.(ish) of beef blanketed (but not buried or overpowered) with a fried egg (preparation nailed – just the slightest bit of yolk ooze), bacon, lettuce, tomato (bright red!), onions, cheese (great melt) and a devilishly sweet onion & mayo secret sauce (note to Colgate – this would make the perfect toothpaste flavor).  The burger was heavily seasoned and cooked around the range I requested, not pegged, but to the rarer which is a 1000 times better than going too far.  The completed burger stacked pretty high, but everything squished together well and was pretty manageable to eat in mixed company.

DSC_0028As good as the burgers are, the P.Y.T. sign also promotes two other strengths of the restaurant.  If the “T: thing” is the burger and the “Y:young” is the music (djs, Steely Dan’s “Kid Charlemagne” was playing as we were leaving – probably not stereotypical but it worked for a Sunday), then “P: pretty” is a really great way to describe the drinks.

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Words Cannot Describe: The Baconzilla from Checkers

In Bacon,Big Burgers,Blog Post Without Words,Burger,Checkers,Cheese Whiz,Cheeseburger,Coronary,Fast Food Chains,How Am I Not Dead Already?,Marc Sanders,Meat On Meat,Mmmmm Chemicals!,OMFG,Philly Burgers on July 17, 2009 by Marc Sanders Tagged:



Burger Geek: Whole Food's Releases iPhone App Featuring Burger Recipes

In Bacon,Burger,Burger Geek,Burger Recipe,Family,Healthy,Home Cookin',Main Line,Meat On Meat,Recipe,Recipes,tweets,Twitter on July 6, 2009 by Marc Sanders

IMG_1199As much as I love iBurger (and the hilarious sounds my daughter makes while playing it) I haven’t found a truly useful burger app for the iPhone (note to self – get off high horse and invent truly useful burger app for iPhone). To the rescue comes a new app from foodie grocery chain Whole Foods featuring a full slate of burger recipes presented in a truly slick interface.

Over 25 burger recipes are featured ranging from the uber-healthy (beef and bulgur burgers) to the truly decadent (stuffed burgers with gorgonzola and smoky bacon).

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Nutritional info is provided (and thankfully placed strategically so it is easy to ignore) as are diet keys which help point you to offerings that may/may not fit into your diet (you’ll be happy to know that Sliders are good for those who are “sugar conscious”).

One of the best features (though not burger specific) is called “On Hand” which allows you to type in up to 3 ingredients you have “on hand” and then suggests recipes in the library based on that.  Pretty handy to have when you are scraping the refrigerator bottom before shopping day.

We’ll be testing out the slider recipe soon and probably checking in on the app while out shopping to see what we can create.

Whole Foods annual “Buck A Burger” sale ends tomorrow (July 7th) I think.  We loaded up and cooked off some of their bacon and blue cheese burgers for lunch yesterday (tweet – Rounding out a weird weekend with some Bacon & Blue Cheese burgers from Whole Foods Buck A Burger sale. AM Jul 5th from TweetDeck ) – pretty tasty.

ps:  If you are a budding iPhone app designer and are interested in helping create the burgatory iPhone app (and enjoy working for free) drop me a line…we actually do have a neat idea!


Home Cookin': Buffalo Bill/Dabney Coleman BBQ Bacon Cheese Burger

In Bacon,Bad TV,Big Burgers,Buffalo Bill,Burger,Burger Recipe,Burgers In The Burbs,Cheeseburger,Dabney Coleman,Family,Food Network,FoodTV,Grass-Fed,Hamburger,Healthy,Marc Sanders,Meat On Meat,Organic,Recipe,Recipes,Twitter on June 9, 2009 by Marc Sanders


Sunday night is burger night around the house and this weekend’s version was inspired by a viewing of a PBS The American Experience episode about Buffalo Bill Cody, which when trying to cook and tweet at the same time somehow morphed into a reference to Dabney Coleman’s early 1980’s sitcom Buffalo Bill (see tweets here – heck, sign up to follow if you wish).

What made these burgers even more special was that the beef and bacon were procured from our local farmers market.  In most parts of the North East farmer’s market season has just kicked off and that is great news.  Within walking distance of our house are a bevy of delicious, seasonal options produced and sold by the person behind the till.  Stories, suggestions, recipes and heart are all within easy reach of the consumer and we are all a bit better for taking the time to slow down and interact on a more personal level with our food and those that grow it.  Of course these markets are famous for their veggies but we have found that many offer great quality meats as well.  Whether “farm-raised,” “grass-fed,” “organic” and/or “natural” meat, options abound and include not only beef from cows, but good quality bison and small-batch bacons.

Not so much a recipe on this one…more a parts list:

85/15 all-natural ground beef
Thick-cut all-natural bacon
Ultra-sharp cheddar cheese
Onion rings
BBQ sauce
Whole-wheat Telera rolls

Bobby Flay calls his version a Cheyenne Burger.

Carl’s Jr.’s call it a Western Bacon Cheeseburger.

Dabney Coleman Fever movie on YouTube (kiss 8 1/2 minutes of your life goodbye before clicking)


Home Cookin': The Burger Explosion

In Bacon,Burger,Burger Geek,Burger Recipe,Burgers & Beer,Burgers In The Burbs,Cheeseburger,Family,Hamburger,Home Cookin',Marc Sanders,Meat On Meat,Opportunity Of A Lifetime,Recipe,Recipes,Twitter,Where Have You Been My Whole Life? on May 23, 2009 by Marc Sanders

More than a little hat tip to the gents over at BBQ Addicts whose invention, the “Bacon Explosion,” was the creative jumping off point for this monstrosity.


No shot of getting this thing in the New York Times, but my concerns (and those of our crew of culinarily curious friends) were in getting this in our bellies.  The idea just seemed like the logical next step and although it took about 3 hours start to finish, it is more than worthwhile trying it out at home for your next get together.  This one is guaranteed to stop people in their tracks.  As always, I will note that I am not a professional chef and though these directions worked for me, they may not work well for you.  This recipe is fairly forgiving so as long as you are certain to cook these beauties all the way through I can see little danger in making a minor misstep (and tons of upside in creating your own variations).

I actually made a Bacon Explosion alongside the Burger Explosion for comparison’s sake.  The recipe for the “Bacon Explosion” which is packed with pork sausage is best picked up at BBQ Addicts, though I will note that I tweaked that recipe a little, swapping out the bbq rub for a home spun mixture of salt, pepper and rosemary.  The rosemary worked out very well.

Burger Explosion (serves 8-10)

1lb 80/20 ground beef
4 slices of white American cheese
9 slices thick cut bacon
3 slices of regular bacon
1 butt of whole grain bread – toasted
1 large egg
2 tablespoons Oyster Sauce
1/3 cup BBQ sauce (any kind will do)

Step 1 – Fry up the 3 slices of regular bacon on a griddle as you would for morning breakfast, when done remove from griddle and pat dry (don’t worry about getting too much grease off, this ain’t health food!)DSC_0012

Step 2 – Take the butt end of the whole grain bread and sop up the rendered bacon fat from the griddle.


Step 3 – Place the bread into a food processor and whir it up for a few seconds to make breadcrumbs (yes, even the breadcrumbs are gonna taste like bacon!).


Step 4 – Put your ground beef, egg, oyster sauce and 3 tablespoons of the bacon-y breadcrumbs into a bowl and mix thoroughly by hand.

Step 5 – Make a 4×5 lattice pattern with the bacon (this may be the most fun part of the recipe) DSC_0021

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Moment of weakness: Checkers Toasted Double Melt

In Bacon,Big Burgers,Burger,Cheeseburger,Fast Food Chains,Hamburger,Marc Sanders,Meat On Meat on July 13, 2008 by Marc Sanders

Toasted Double Melt

Toasted Double Melt

No real review but to say that this burger is so ridiculously good (and bad for you) that you should have to show ID to buy one. Again, as with your typical Checkers burger…forget about quality of ingredients and just concentrate on how they can continue to invent new ways to promote arteriosclerosis.

Our signature Toasted American Melt is always a favorite. This hot, toasty, double burger is piled high with American cheese, creamy cheddar cheese sauce, seasoned grilled onions and mayonnaise, all served on golden toasted sourdough bread.

Oh yeah, bacon, too.

Deadly and delicious. Nothing more to say, I’m hanging my head in shame.