Archive for the ‘Buffalo Bill’ Category


Home Cookin': Buffalo Bill/Dabney Coleman BBQ Bacon Cheese Burger

In Bacon,Bad TV,Big Burgers,Buffalo Bill,Burger,Burger Recipe,Burgers In The Burbs,Cheeseburger,Dabney Coleman,Family,Food Network,FoodTV,Grass-Fed,Hamburger,Healthy,Marc Sanders,Meat On Meat,Organic,Recipe,Recipes,Twitter on June 9, 2009 by Marc Sanders


Sunday night is burger night around the house and this weekend’s version was inspired by a viewing of a PBS The American Experience episode about Buffalo Bill Cody, which when trying to cook and tweet at the same time somehow morphed into a reference to Dabney Coleman’s early 1980’s sitcom Buffalo Bill (see tweets here – heck, sign up to follow if you wish).

What made these burgers even more special was that the beef and bacon were procured from our local farmers market.  In most parts of the North East farmer’s market season has just kicked off and that is great news.  Within walking distance of our house are a bevy of delicious, seasonal options produced and sold by the person behind the till.  Stories, suggestions, recipes and heart are all within easy reach of the consumer and we are all a bit better for taking the time to slow down and interact on a more personal level with our food and those that grow it.  Of course these markets are famous for their veggies but we have found that many offer great quality meats as well.  Whether “farm-raised,” “grass-fed,” “organic” and/or “natural” meat, options abound and include not only beef from cows, but good quality bison and small-batch bacons.

Not so much a recipe on this one…more a parts list:

85/15 all-natural ground beef
Thick-cut all-natural bacon
Ultra-sharp cheddar cheese
Onion rings
BBQ sauce
Whole-wheat Telera rolls

Bobby Flay calls his version a Cheyenne Burger.

Carl’s Jr.’s call it a Western Bacon Cheeseburger.

Dabney Coleman Fever movie on YouTube (kiss 8 1/2 minutes of your life goodbye before clicking)