Archive for the ‘goodbugrer’ Category


Philadelphia, PA: goodburger's $4.99 burger special

In Burger,Burgernomics,Fast Food Chains,goodbugrer,Hamburger,Marc Sanders,Philly Burgers on May 12, 2009 by Marc Sanders

IMG_00361725 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 569-4777

Had a meeting with one of our customers the other day that went particularly well and during the walk back to the car we passed goodburger (is it always lower-case?) and their strategically placed placard touting their contribution to the recession busting craze – the $4.99 burger and soda special.  Agreement on going in was almost non-verbal (scary) and as usual, goodburger delivered.

The special is for the small version of their regular 7 oz burger, but at 5.5 oz it is considerably larger than many competitors and comparable to the offerings at Five Guys in the same neighborhood (price-wise).  The burger-to-bun ratio was way off though and really the only downer.  The stock art they chose for the ad shows your typical white squishy bun that might have been sized better, but the kaiser roll that this came on was too wide leaving a few too many hollow bites.  Minor hiccups though.

The toppings were stellar.  Surprising to see such a deep red tomato this early in the year (most likely not a NJ grown fruit, but that’s ok) with such great flavor.  Great crispy raw onions and a nice flap of iceberg lettuce rounded out the healthy bits.

I ordered mine medium and it was done to a “t.”  My co-worker ordered one medium-rare and after a minimal attempt to talk her out of it (might be standard operating procedure) they delivered her burger exactly as requested.

All told complete happiness.  $4.99 is more than fair for the quality (including soda w/refills – basically the soda is free if you use their normal menu as a guide since they do offer a 5.5 oz burger at that price point – so more packaging then huge savings, but heck I’m a sucker for a good marketing ploy).  It was listed as a limited time special, but they actually had some printed materials which leads me to believe this one may last a while.  Here’s to hoping we have more clients downtown eager to discuss the wonders of cash management and remote deposit capture technologies.

ps:  This special was offered at the goodburger in Philadelphia.  Not certain if they are offering a similar special in NYC.

pss:  Just saw that the next “meating” of the Phila. Burger Club (organized by Fries With That Shake) is taking place at goodburger this Saturday 5/16.  Click through to their site for more details.